mandag den 4. april 2011


Please give an explanation for following words:

- Apartheid: Apartheid is an dutch word which means "being taking apart". In South Africa they did, they took blacks and whites people apart. They were not alloud to sit on the same benches, to use the same toilets, to drive in the same busses, to stand in the same lines and the black were not even alloud to vote.

Segregation: Segregation means to seperat people, like they did in South Africa. For example, they made a line a cross the beach, and the black people had to be on one side and the white people on the other.

Discrimination: Discrimination means to treat people different then others, just because you don´t like them or because they are black or handicaped for example. Exactly what happened in South Africa, the whites were treating the blacks different, just because they were black!? I think discrimination is absolutly awful, so mean and really, really stupid to do!

1 kommentar:

  1. What a good work:-) I like your examples - big help to understand the words much better.
